IT Security Company | IT Security & Certification
Common Criteria Evaluation, accredited lab
Security Assessment following the Common Criteria standard for IT products. We take care of the Common Criteria evaluation using unique tools to smooth the Common Criteria process. We accompany you from the beginning to the final certification.
First accredited LINCE Evaluation Lab
jtsec is the leading laboratory in LINCE certifications. We take care of the LINCE evaluation process so that your security products can appear in the CPSTIC Catalogue. Rely on the first laboratory officially accredited by ENAC to evaluate the security of ICT products according to the LINCE methodology
FIPS 140-3 Consulting
Get certified in the most appropriate way. Experts consultants finding gaps and supporting you adapting your product and documentation, informing changes you need to carry out before going through the development/certification process.
PCI-PTS PCI-CPoC Consulting
Our PCI-PTS consulting service optimizes the time to be an Approve PCI PTS Device. Our experts consultants offer you the maximum support during the evaluation process in order to get your module validated as soon as possible.
Industrial Cybersecurity
Mostly used in industrial and health care environments which have been digitalized. The certification and validation of cyber security standards such as IEC 62443 are of key importance. Be sure your product is ready to obtain these certifications.
jtsec develops CCToolbox. This innovative framework allows to smooth the Common Criteria & EUCC certification process saving 40% of your time and cost.
They already trusted us. Let's talk!
- IECEE CB accredited laboratory for industrial cybersecurity
- Leading experts in industrial cyber security certification
- Experts in the IEC 62443-4-1 and IEC 62443-4-2 standards
- Editors in the ERNCIP thematic group for "Industrial Automation & Control Systems (IACS)".
Stakeholder Cybersecurity Certification Group (SCCG)
We are collaborating in advising the European Commission to develop the European Cybersecurity Certification Framework.
jtsec has always been committed to support the adoption of the Cybersecurity Act across Europe.

Members of ENISA ad hoc Working Group on SOG IS successor scheme. Developing the first certification scheme under the EU Cybersecurity Certification Framework (EUCC scheme), based on the Common Criteria standard for ICT products cybersecurity (ISO/IEC 15408 and ISO/IEC 18045).

LINCE methodology
jtsec is the first laboratory accredited by ENAC and the National Cryptographic Centre (CCN, for its acronym in Spanish) to evaluate the security of ICT products according to the LINCE methodology.
This methodology is designed for ICT products requiring certification with medium or low security criticality.

IACS EU Cybersecurity Certification Scheme
jtsec has been the editor and co-leader of the recommendations report to create a certification scheme for Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS) components. This project has been led by JRC - ERNCIP since 2014 and aims to foster the industrial cybersecurity resilience

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Recent posts
A few weeks ago, we said goodbye to 2024 and welcomed 2025, which has kicked off with remarkable energy, inspiring us with optimism and enthusiasm for the journey ahead. Looking back on the past year, we’ve seen remarkable progress with LINCE methodology and a substantial increase in the solutions featured in the CPSTIC / CCN-STIC 105 catalog. With that in mind, we’d like to share a brief overview of our modest contributions to these achievements.