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17 - June 2024
Common Criteria Statistics 2023
Posted by: Antonio Checa

2023 was a great year for Common Criteria, breaking all the records. A total of 470 certifications were completed. This means that the number of certificates has experienced a large increase (83 more than 2022), setting a new record.

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6 - Febr 2024
jtsec - Our LINCE 2023
Posted by: jtsec Team

A few weeks ago, we bid farewell to 2023, making way for a 2024 that, truth be told, has started with quite some intensity, filling us with optimism and excitement for this year that has just begun.

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19 - Dec 2023
We wish you a happy and cybersecure 2024
Posted by: jtsec Team

We wish you a happy and cybersecure 2024.

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14 - Dec 2023
How to Prepare Your Products and Services for the Quantum Era and Ensure Their Certification?
Posted by: Jordi Prieto Gallego

The arrival of the quantum computing era marks a turning point in technological development, introducing a level of data processing that exponentially surpasses that of current computers.

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